Friday, May 25, 2012

Fizzing and foaming

So much fun can be had with citric acid, amirite?

One recent nice day we finally pulled out the Fizzy Foamy Science Kit that the kids had been bugging me to try.  We have wall-to-wall carpet so this seemed like an outside activity!  Turns out it was not so messy, but fun for outside anyway.

The instructions were clear and the kids were able to do almost all the activities with minimal help from me. Big K reading the instructions and the two of them taking turns adding and mixing, with me there to direct and watch that a tablespoon remained a tablespoon.

I think they were a little dissapointed that nothing fizzed over wildly like a good ol' Diet Coke-and-Mentos fountain, but they happily got up close to the little fizzing cups and observed what was going on in there. 

Most of the more interesting activities involve mixing citric acid and baking soda.  I think I need to lay in a supply of citric acid for the house, we went through almost all of the stuff that was in the kit...we would have had lots left over if we just stuck to what's in the instructions once or twice, but my little experimenters took it upon themselves to mix things in different quantities and in different orders to see what happens.

Oh, and we thought the dancing raisins didn't work at first, but after they'd soaked in the little cup in the sun for 10 minutes or so, they started bobbing away.  Another valuable reminder that patience is key!

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